Monday 29 March 2010

Music Players

Technology <----> Audiences
Technology <----> Institutions
Institutions <---->Audiences

All related to each other (triangle).
music technology has effected how we as the audience listen to music.

Gramaphone - 1870's
  • invented by Thomas Eddison
  • birth of vinyls
  • still used by DJ's today as "decks"
    - holds a place in todays contemporary society and culture
  • first private music experience instead of going to live performances.

The Tape Casette:

  • Philips introduced them
  • first form of portable music
    - boombox and walkman
  • first use of file sharing and piracy
    -frowned upon by music industry
  • more people began using them --> music more popular
  • Decline in early 1990's due to popularity of CD's.

CD (Compact Disk)

  • Philip and Sony produced together
  • better quality and more information
  • could only listen to on Sony players when they first came around
    -vertical integration
  • died in early 2000's due to popularity of mp3
  • industry gaining control over hardware, at the time CD's could not copy, therefore piracy was low.

Key Findings:

  • technology and hardware have greatly influenced both music institutions and audiences over the past 4 decades.
  • the issues present today (file sharing, piracy, ownership, control) have been around for decades.
  • what is important is that the music industry responds and adapts to these issues and changes.

Bands like Arctic Monkeys are Self Produced

- fan based demos, web 2.0, myspace

----> able to do it due to technology

Enter shikari:

-self produced - created own record label "ambush reality"

-web 2.0 an global village.


- USB mixtapes (convergence and digital technology)

---> web based news exclusives, social networks, global village.

Key Problem:

You Cant Control How People Listen To Music.

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