Monday 19 April 2010

History Of The iPod

  • introduced in 2001
  • "music was just a perfect synthesis for Apple"
    - Joining of two media
  • over 70 million sold world wide
  • progressed -> fashionable -> desirable accessorie
  • Apple were losing billions of pounds, jobs, technology etc.
  • Steve Jobs returned to apple and things turned positive
    - he had to change what people thought about apple
  • 1998 - the imac is released -> colourfull all in one computer -> worked with development in technology -> fashionable
  • S.J aimed to create a digital experience
    - aimed at youth culture
  • Sean Fannon -> created file sharing
    -"Napster" -> 60million users world wide
    - fastest growing company EVER
    - public enemy for record companies.
  • digital music reveloution had begun
    - S.J recognised this.
  • Sound Jam turned into itunes
    - apples jukebox music software
    -adopted SF file sharing
  • 2001 itunes was produced
  • October 23rd 2001 - apple ipod is launched
    - held 1000 songs
    -$400 and was imac only
  • excellent verticle integration with software
    itunes -> imac -> ipod.
  • ear buds were white to match player
    - fashionable accessorie

if you could download for free, why would you buy?
-apple produced an online music store for itunes
- different records, music etc.